Why this is such an important conversation to be had in 2020

March is Women's History month. Let me take you to the streets of Washington, DC!

Good girls go to heaven - mature women go everywhere AND make history! ☀️

Today I am standing near the steps of the US Supreme Court, just a stones throw away from the Capitol building.

Just about now, 100 years ago, these very streets were flooded with women from around the nation who came to DC to march for their right to vote.

These suffragettes (suffrage means right to vote) were the pioneers, the spirited Mavericks, the ones who stood up for what they believed, the ones who did not take “no” for an answer.

They marched for the voting rights of all women, which, finally, was granted nationwide in 1920.

In 2020 most of us women are as spirited as the women on whose shoulders we stand. There are so many causes we bring to the forefront of today’s society — and I am taking a strong stand to re-write the script on ageism and what we women think about ourselves as we mature through the years.

I am calling BS on the narrative that tells us women that after 40 we are less fertile, less vital, less valuable, even less important.

No, thank you very much. 

It's time we claim our brilliance, our immense value, our strength and our rightful place as the mature women we are - just like the speakers of this summit have done. 

Let's celebrate every wrinkle and every laugh line in our face as a sign of a life well lived.

And let us tell the world: we are just getting started!!!  ❤️


Own the VIP Upgrade now for the price of $67, which is a saving of 66% compared to the regular price of $197.


ATTENTION: the price will go up on March 8th at midnight, when the summit has come to an end. 


What have you given up on - or are about to give up on - already? 


Let me ask you a question please:

“Have you said things like I can’t do this any more at my age or I am getting too old for this lately?”

If so, I totally get it.

Let’s be frank, it’s easy to believe that your glory days are behind you. We are living in a youth obsessed culture that often suggests women have reached their zenith in their mid 30s and then it’s all downhill from there. Less fertile, less youthful, less visible, less valuable…

This is ridiculous, yes, but also deeply ingrained in our female psyche, as we’ve grown up with this type of ageism all our lives.

And because we are so used to it, we often don’t even realize when we’ve succumbed to prejudices around age.

Where in your life have you already given up on a dream (or are about to give up) because you thought you are getting too old by now?

😟 The dream of having a child?
😟 Of changing careers or starting all over again?
😟 Of making really good money and becoming wealthy?
😟 Of taking your family on a year long sabbatical?
😟 Have you given up on love and settled for the relationship at hand?
😟 Your dream for a certain kind of body, or a certain kind of life style?

Then look no further for the inspiration and the role models you need to never give up on a dream again because you're getting "too old"!

Upgrade and listen to 22 renegades and 5 bonus speakers who defy society’s expectation (and ageism) of how women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond should look, feel, and behave. 

These women don’t give a damn that they were supposed to cut their hair while lengthening their skirt, grow a tummy, bemoan menopause and crows feet, and fade into the background with a grandmotherly smile.

They know who they are. They love thinking big, doing things differently, and exploring ideas that challenge the status quo. They’re rewriting the rules for leadership, creating families, making money, for being vibrant and strong, and changing the world with one power surge (depending on your age a.k.a. hot flash) at a time. 

Upgrade and own the series of this free-spirited event that will change your perspective on being a mature woman and make you realize that your best years are only starting NOW! 

During this series you will learn:

  • 👉 What it takes to make the biggest move of your lifetime – out of a job, into a new vocation, into mature motherhood, or maybe into a new country all in your 40s and beyond.
  • 👉 Nurture your inner rebel and step out of the "age-appropriate" box society wants you to be in. 
  • 👉 Turn your age from a source of worry into a source of true strength, and OWN your self-worth.
  • 👉 Overcome limiting beliefs and become more energetic and vibrant than you were years ago.
  • 👉 Become the healthiest and fiercest version of yourself one birthday at a time.
  • 👉 And so much more!


Own the VIP Upgrade now for the price of $67, which is a saving of 66% compared to the regular price of $197.


ATTENTION: the price will go up on March 8th at midnight, when the summit has come to an end.