Healthy babies past 35 or even 40?

YES, let me show you how! 

   Do you know deep down that you are meant to be a Mom even at your "advanced maternal age"? 

Or has all the negative messaging around your age gotten to you by now? 

Trying to conceive and create LIFE inside our bodies should be one of the most magical and joyous times of our lives. Period. Unless you're approaching 35, or heaven forbid 40 and beyond, then the baby-making journey becomes wrought with fear-inducing messages from just about everybody (including your grandmother). 

  • Have you been told that "at your age" it will be difficult to conceive? That your FSH is too high and your AMH too low?
  • That your eggs are getting (very) old and you need to hurry to not miss another month?
  • Have you maybe asked yourself: "Will I miscarry like my sister and best friend? Am I infertile altogether?", and, the mother-load question:
  • "Did I squander my chances away by not trying sooner? Am I the one to blame if it doesn't work?" 

Once you were cool about your age and your journey, but as the months and maybe years went on, it's getting harder to keep an optimistic attitude. Quite frankly, there are triggers everywhere: from the pregnant woman on the street to your social media feed filled with pictures of ultrasounds, gender reveal parties, and newborns.

By now maybe you've become a little too familiar with feelings of shame, guilt, disappointment, jealousy, competitiveness, and feeling alone and not understood - even by the people closest to you.

Maybe you've tried just about everything, from the boring gluten-soy-dairy-meets-joy-free diet, to acupuncture, to Mayan massages, castor oil packs, and supplements that smell so strong they make your toes curl.

And then there is the next birthday looming just around the corner. 

Do you lose sleep because you feel there is a ticking time bomb in your body ready to go off on you?



 Hi, I am Bettina,

I am a seasoned journalist, certified Mental Strength trainer, and author of the bestselling book "The Joy of Later Motherhood" - and first-time mom at age 44!

It took over 4 years from the moment I said "Yes, I'd like to have a child" to the moment I held my boy Hunter in my arms for the first time. And in these years, I learned a most valuable lesson:

Pregnancy is not just a physical affair, pregnancy is also a mental, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual affair. In fact, the mental and emotional well-being of a woman is actually the precursor to her pregnancy! 

But how can you stay hopeful and open and even joyful on a journey that may be the hardest and most trying experience you've ever gone through?

That was my challenge - is it yours too?

That's why I use my expertise as a Mental Strength Trainer to focus specifically on the fertility journey - to make YOUR journey easier, more peaceful, and less trying. 

That's why I created the online course "Baby, You've Got This!" and also individually coach women who are most often over 40, as I was. 

I have one goal: to make your journey so MUCH better âť¤ď¸Ź.

đź’« Imagine Your Life After Only A Few Short Hours of Coaching Together! đź’«

Here are just a few examples of how different your life will be:

In our time together - in the online course "Baby, You've Got This!" and our personal sessions - we dive deep into the mind-body connection. These are just a few examples of what you'll learn: 

  • How to turn your age and your fertility struggles from a perceived weakness into a true strength
  • Learn to effectively say "sayonara" to fear, guilt, and doubt. 
  • Stop looking over your shoulder towards the past (and all the things that happened there) as well as how to stop future tripping with all the imaginary "what-if" scenarios. 
  • Stay in the only time that matters for your baby - the here and now - so you can take the next best step on your journey.
  • Become joyful again when the next pregnancy announcements come in - or your younger relative invites you to her baby shower (ALL emotions are welcome though!!). 

How would you like to fall in love with your body so passionately that you can't walk by a mirror without giving yourself an adoring look? Even if the mirror hangs in the waiting room of a fertility clinic?

According to Oriental medicine, your body is the temple your baby will reside in - so let's make it as welcoming as a 5-star hotel! We'll work together on how to:

  • Eliminate the harmful influences on your body coming from the environment
  • Make your home a safe and hormone-disrupter free zone
  • Nourish your beautiful body from the inside out
  • Fall in love with your feminine fire and power  

Sometimes even the most patient of us get derailed when the excitement of possibly being pregnant turns into the agony of the dreaded two-week wait. 

Together we'll find the best techniques that suit YOUR personality to:

  • Reduce stress in your life by activating your body's healing system and firing it on all cylinders.
  • Connect to the divine (whatever that means to you) and your intuition and inner wisdom.
  • Learn to trust that what is going on is not happening to you but for you.
  • Ditch the calendar and embrace divine time. 

Elke, 47, made this video after our online course and coaching:

UPDATE: Elke naturally conceived at age 47 and had a gorgeous baby girl in December 2022. Elke wrote this to me: "Working with you was one of the best decisions I ever made: Your 360°-view on life, your expertise in Mind-Body-Spirit, as well as your positive and encouraging attitude, gave me the courage to become a mom a little bit later in life!"


Only 10 spots are available - reserve your space NOW as we run this program only twice a year.

"I had been feeling alone and a bit lost on my fertility journey. When I heard about Bettina I instantly knew I wanted to work with her. I am 43 and following a couple of miscarriages and broken relationships, I was feeling quite disillusioned and lost as to what step to take next on my fertility journey. I took Bettina's course, which restored my hope in becoming a mother, and I've learned incredibly valuable skills in reframing my mind for joy, not just in motherhood, but in finding everyday joy in my life. Bettina's course is packed with wisdom and strategy, and I loved her Stories of Hope series. If you are on the fence, I'd say jump and sign up NOW, you will not regret it."

Shirley, 43, New Zealand

"After an almost 8 year journey, with countless treatments and practitioners, doing Bettina's course and being coached by her was like a breath of fresh air. It renewed my hope, trust and knowing that my baby is coming. It helped me to connect more deeply with my intuition, find clarity, create new boundaries and new action plans. This is a truly empowering and inspiring course for 40+ mamas-to-be that beautifully encompasses the three pillars of Body, Mind and Spirit that are crucial on the fertility journey. And Bettina is the kind of guide you want cheering you on, a force to be reckoned with, passionate, wise and full of love. I highly recommend Bettina's wonderful course. It may not only change your journey, it may in fact change your life."

Molly, 44, Los Angeles

The Mind-Body Connection is REAL 

There is a truth my dear, one that the modern medical community, Dr. Google, and others completely overlook.

When it comes to getting pregnant - to creating life - usually, the focus of all people involved is squarely on the physical aspect of conception - often with the attitude that the body is broken and needs to be fixed.

All the while your biggest asset in the whole equation goes untapped: 



Seriously, I bet you've spent a lot more time and energy on your diet or the number of supplements you take, than on the negative self-talk that's going on in the privacy of your mind. 

For example, you surely know how bad chronic inflammation - induced by chronic stress - is for your body. But do you know that you pollute and inflame your body just as quickly and effectively through toxic thoughts and negativity?

What do you think happens when you beat yourself up by repeatedly telling yourself you're TOO OLD, infertile, and "can't even do what every woman is designed to do"?

You are smart, you know about the mind-body connection. But have you considered that the thoughts you think - especially if there are some big emotions attached to them - start a biochemical process in the body that either supports or hinders your ability to get pregnant?

Even though most of us are aware of the importance of our minds and our thoughts, we are not trained to harness these powers to our benefit. And we completely forget about the mind-body connection when we are swept up into the roller coaster of TTC (trying to conceive)!

The result can be detrimental. 

Please take this in:

Your body responds to every thought you think and every emotion you hold with a biochemical reaction that either supports or hinders your fertility - mastering your mind and your emotions is key to bringing home your baby! 


Let's do this, my dear! As a certified mental strength trainer my coaching (online and in-person) always focuses on the three pillars of Well-Being: Mind, Body, and Spirit, and on bringing you more peace, joy, clarity, and strength on your journey toward having your baby!

This is How We Can Work Together in 2024:

Self-Guided Online Course


One Time Payment

5 Modules, 15 Hours of Content

This 4-week online course called "Baby, You've Got This!" offers:

  • Module One: Your Age. You'll walk away with a radically different perspective on getting older - your age is NOT the number one predictor of your fertility nor shall it hinder your success to conceive.
  • Module Two: Your Mind.  Science tells you today, that the health of your mind is as important as the health of your body when trying to conceive. I'll guide you out of the negativity spiral, help you silence your inner critique, and develop a strong and supportive mind towards yourself and your journey. 
  • Module Three: Your Body. Learn tactics and strategies to use the mind-body connection to lower stress levels and calm the nervous system to make pregnancy possible. Get my best tips to turn your body from a "broken foe" to a trusted ally (my cancer journey taught me A LOT in that regard).
  • Module Four: Your Spirit. This module is a fan favorite! I'll teach you scientifically proven ways to bring back hope and joy to this journey. We dive deeper into the spiritual - you know the saying "Man plans God laughs" right? Well, we'll talk divine timing, Spirit Babies, and how choosing faith over fear can pave the path to meeting your Baby halfway!
  • Module Five: LIfedesign. This module spans from actionable advice on how to keep your relationships strong and navigate social settings to also addressing the Big Elephant in the room: how to find happiness and meaning in your life regardless of the outcome.  

This 4-week long online course offers 5 modules with 15+ hours of teachings, expert interviews, and stories of hope!

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you are not 100% satisfied after watching Module One, we'll give you a full refund on the course. Just send us an email to hello within the first seven days after purchasing the course before Module Two is released. 


Online Course and 3 Hours of 1-1 Coaching with Bettina


One Time Payment

  • The complete Online Course with 5 Modules, and 15 hours of Content (see details to the left)
  • Three 60-minute one-on-one sessions with Bettina to tailor the coaching to your specific needs, hold you accountable, keep you motivated, and make sure you know which next best step to take!
  • This option is for the woman who'd like to "fine-tune" her mental and emotional strength. And if you'd like to continue with the coaching you can always add additional hours later at a reduced client rate.
  • Personal access to Bettina through WhatsApp during the duration of the coaching partnership.

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Your happiness is what we're striving for. If - for whatever reason - you'd rather not continue coaching after our first session, I happily refund the money for the whole package (minus a $100 transaction fee). Just let me know at the end of our first session.  


VIP Coaching Package: 10 Sessions of 1-1 Coaching and Online Course


One Time Payment

  • The complete Online Course with 5 Modules, and 15 hours of Content (see details to the far left)
  • TEN 60-minute long one-on-one sessions with Bettina - the ultimate Fertility Mindset Mastery coaching package. Together we unearth your blocks, work on your challenges, and lay out a clear path forward for you to take.
  • This option is for the woman who knows that she'd feel better and more confident having an experienced coach to lean on and be supported by for a longer period of time. This journey can feel rather lonely at times - but not with me at your side!
  • Personal access to Bettina through WhatsApp during the duration of the coaching partnership.  

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Happy customers are our priority! If - for whatever reason - you'd rather not continue coaching after our first session, I happily refund the money for the whole package (minus a $100 transaction fee). Just let me know at the end of our first session.


How is it to work with Bettina?

Tara, 40, who lives in the U.S., on the transformation she went through when she said "YES"


"Bettina’s course "Baby, You've Got This!" and the coaching sessions with her really helped change my perspective, actually my whole outlook on my future! Earlier in the year I came so close to achieving my dream, and then it all came crashing down around me.  I had emergency surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.  I lost my baby and my Fallopian tube.  My body and my heart were broken. I had been thinking about counseling but wanted to find someone who really “got” me and understood what I was going through.  Bettina “gets” it! Bettina’s heartfelt coaching helped me reframe my fertility struggles. I had been fighting for so long, and Bettina gave me permission to draw the line in the sand.  Now, I’ve come to know that I don’t need to fight anymore.  I know that whatever happens or doesn’t happen— I will be ok."

Kathleen, 42, Texas

"I’ve been a therapist for 20 years and have personally worked with hundreds of women – but when I am the one who needs support and coaching, I turn to Bettina. She’s truly a gifted coach. Through her skillful questioning, honed over decades in journalism, she helps me to go to the core of my issue and fears, define my next best step and take action quickly and boldly. "

Katharina, 39, therapist, entrepreneur and mother of a 11-months old girl, GERMANY

High-Class athletes have had mental strength trainers for decades because there's a lot at stake. 

For you, the stakes are even higher.


50% Complete

Ready to receive a HUGE dose of hope and inspiration on your journey toward motherhood? 
My son Hunter and I want to gift you the electronic version of my bestselling book The Joy of Later Motherhood!  
We are both rooting for you  âť¤
Bettina and Hunter